Chemical Hoses: Benefits, Types and Uses
Posted: Thursday, 14 February 2013 by Unknown in

The excellent hoses are rated higher at full vacuum to get the best performance. Discharge hoses and acid chemical suction hoses can handle various inorganic acids including specific hoses for handling the strong oxidizing agents like concentrated sulphuric acids, chromic and nitric. There are other hoses as well capable of handling aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatic, halo generated hydrocarbons and plenty of chemicals.
Chemical Hoses Are Used in Some of the Following Industries:
- Farming
- Tank haulers
- Food industries
- Manufacturing plants
Types of Chemical Hoses:
- Ultra-Chem
- Chemical B
- Acid suction and discharge hose
Apart from these hoses, there are some other hoses as well which are extensively used in various industries.
- Seal-less design
- Low maintenance costs
- High suction lift
- Solids handling
- Self-priming and dry running
- Gentle pumping action
- Abrasion resistant
- Reversible
- Accurate dosing
- No slip
- Hygienic
If you want to buy an appropriate chemical hose, ensure that you first go through its different types and review them thoroughly. This would help you get the best product that you have been looking for and perform various tasks comfortably.
By Lantech Solutions Ltd Hose Manufacturers UK